Most of us are familiar with network marketing organizations and how they recruit to grow their business. For example, you recruit three people - each of them recruits three people - and each of them recruits three more people, and so on. This article will discuss the importance of hockey player networking and consulting.
If you carry this out three generations you have recruited approx. 120 people. Each of these individuals knows people in various industries, many of them with influence over the hiring process. So with the above example it is easy to see how important networking is. It is widely accepted and documented that nearly 85 percent of all jobs are filled through the process of networking, and a large percentage of these positions are never posted.
Or you might see an opportunity for the two of you to help each other. That is the beauty of networking. It is not like advertising, in which you lay out the benefits of your product or service and the audience listens passively. It is interactive. And when a connection is made, everyone involved wins.
Finding a dream job is a difficult job itself. Many people will agree with this. Traditional approach to job hunt has changed. Now job-hunting has become an art, and people who are good at it, do not find difficulties in finding a good job. In today's world, relationship building are the most important tools in professional life and job hunting process.
For many of us, networking is defined as, calling up people we know, having coffee or lunch with them, and discussing about different job openings that may exist in their companies. However, professional networking requires one to be one-step ahead. Creating a professional network is not a difficult thing to do. Let me tell you one thing; we all have a network of professionals but we do not recognize it neither we use it efficiently.
In order to recognize and manage your professional network, you have to list down the names of people you know and are doing jobs in the field you are interested in. Contact and try to meet them on a frequent basis. When professionals talk, new ideas emerge which are very handy. If one is in search of a new job, then he must try to get it through the help of his network. On the other hand, in a current job, if you are facing any critical issues, then you may get to a possible solution while discussing with professionals expert in that field.
Even those who have no need for what we have to offer can bring us business. They have their own network of contacts, and there's a good probability that they know someone who could use your goods or services. Even if they do not, they might meet someone someday who does, and when that time comes, they will know who to recommend.
Those who serve your target market in a different capacity than you can help you find new customers. But you may also be able to help one another in a different way: by combining your efforts into a joint venture. A good joint venture can bring far better results than two individual campaigns.
If you carry this out three generations you have recruited approx. 120 people. Each of these individuals knows people in various industries, many of them with influence over the hiring process. So with the above example it is easy to see how important networking is. It is widely accepted and documented that nearly 85 percent of all jobs are filled through the process of networking, and a large percentage of these positions are never posted.
Or you might see an opportunity for the two of you to help each other. That is the beauty of networking. It is not like advertising, in which you lay out the benefits of your product or service and the audience listens passively. It is interactive. And when a connection is made, everyone involved wins.
Finding a dream job is a difficult job itself. Many people will agree with this. Traditional approach to job hunt has changed. Now job-hunting has become an art, and people who are good at it, do not find difficulties in finding a good job. In today's world, relationship building are the most important tools in professional life and job hunting process.
For many of us, networking is defined as, calling up people we know, having coffee or lunch with them, and discussing about different job openings that may exist in their companies. However, professional networking requires one to be one-step ahead. Creating a professional network is not a difficult thing to do. Let me tell you one thing; we all have a network of professionals but we do not recognize it neither we use it efficiently.
In order to recognize and manage your professional network, you have to list down the names of people you know and are doing jobs in the field you are interested in. Contact and try to meet them on a frequent basis. When professionals talk, new ideas emerge which are very handy. If one is in search of a new job, then he must try to get it through the help of his network. On the other hand, in a current job, if you are facing any critical issues, then you may get to a possible solution while discussing with professionals expert in that field.
Even those who have no need for what we have to offer can bring us business. They have their own network of contacts, and there's a good probability that they know someone who could use your goods or services. Even if they do not, they might meet someone someday who does, and when that time comes, they will know who to recommend.
Those who serve your target market in a different capacity than you can help you find new customers. But you may also be able to help one another in a different way: by combining your efforts into a joint venture. A good joint venture can bring far better results than two individual campaigns.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about hockey player networking, visit our web pages today. More details are available at now.
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